Index N

From Wesleyan Discipline
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Name adaptations, 80; 205; 340:2
Name of denomination, 205
Narcotics, 410:4
National Holiness Association, 12
Nebraska, SEE Mountain Plains District
Neglect, persistent, 305:4; 585:4; 600–605. SEE ALSO Discontinue church members
Nepal, 18
Nevada, SEE Pacific Southwest district
Nevis, 35
New birth, 230
New Brunswick, province of, SEE Atlantic district
Newfoundland, SEE Atlantic district
New Hampshire, SEE Northeast District
New Jersey, SEE Northeast District
New Mexico, SEE [Index M|[Mountain Plains District]]
New Testament, Article of Religion, 218
New York, 8, 28, SEE: Northeast, Penn York, and Western New York districts
New Zealand, 80
Nicaragua, 80
Nominating committee:

Circuit, 535
Consideration for diversity, 1175:2
District conference, 1172–1175
General Conference, 1563; 1580

North American General Conference, 2550
North Carolina East District, 2403:13; 2440
North Carolina West district, 2403:14; 2440
North Central, Representative Area, 2430
North Dakota, SEE Northwest district
Northeast District, 2403:15;

representative area, 2435

Northwest District, 2403:16; 2445
Northwest Territories, SEE Atlantic District
Nova Scotia, SEE Atlantic District
Nunavut, SEE Central Canada district