Index O

From Wesleyan Discipline
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Judicial, 410:10
SEE ALSO Secret societies

Observance of sacraments, 290–293
Offenses, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5004; 5010
Office of the General Secretary, SEE Communication and Administration Division
Office of the General Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer, 1970–1976

District, 1250
General Church, 1800
Local church, 800; 815

Ohio, SEE Greater Ohio district
Oklahoma, SEE Tri-State district
Oklahoma Wesleyan University, 2365:4
Old Testament, Article of Religion, 218
Ontario, province of, SEE Central Canada district
Ordained Ministers:

Appointed, 317; 1240:1:A; 3250–3345
Credentials of, 3089:2
Definition, 310; 3067
Duties of, 3085
Educational leave, 1240:1:D; 3350:1
From another denomination, 323:3; 3104; 6320
In process of transfer, 1240:1:F, G; 3104; 3390
Listing, 1240:1
On loan, 1240:1:A:2; 3100:2
Ordination certificate, 6300
Ordination service, 3070:6; 5750–5792
Qualifications for ordination, 323:3; 3070
Regulations for, 3089
Reserve, 317; 1240:1:C; 3360
Retired, 317; 1240:1:B; 3370
Rights of:, 313; 3075
Transfer of, 313:6; 3075:6; 3100:1
Voluntary filing of credentials, 3085:5; 3124
Voluntary surrender of credentials, 3085:6; 3089:4
Without appointment, 1240:1:E; 3380


Certificate, 3070:7; 6300
Council of, 1405
Emergency, 3070:5
In developing district, 1012
Public service of, 3070:6
Qualification for, 3070
Regulated by General Conference, 310
Ritual, 5750–5792

Oregon, SEE Northwest district
Original sin, 224