Index S

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Sabbath, 35
Sabbath observance: Membership Commitment on, 265:1
Sabbatical, 724

Access to, 302:2
Article of Religion, 242
Observance of, 290–293
SEE ALSO Baptism; Lord’s Supper

St. Croix, 35
St. Kitts, 35
St. Thomas, 35
St. Vincent, 35
Salvation, 230; 297:1; 553:1
Sanctification, 236
Saskatchewan, SEE Central Canada district

Elementary, 655:17–19; 1233:32; 2306
Postsecondary, 655:17; 1180:25
Secondary, 655:17
SEE ALSO Educational Institutions, general; Public schools

Scott, Orange, 6–7
Scriptures, 218; 270; 276; 280

Inerrancy, 218; 299; 5566; 5772

Second Coming of Christ, Article of Religion, 244
Secondary schools:, 2306

Postsecondary, 655:17; 1180:25

Secret societies:

Historical background, 11
Joining forfeits membership, 305:2; 585:2; 595


District, 1330–1332
General, SEE' Executive Director of the Communication and Administration Division
Local, 775; 830


Of district, 1180:30

Self-discipline, 265:3
Seminary:, 2368; 2382; 3170:1

Wesleyan Seminary Foundation, 2382

Senior pastor, 675; 678; 735. SEE ALSO Pastor
Service credentials, 6200–6460
Service report, annual, 1402

Biblical view, 410:5
Discrimination forbidden, 360:3d
God’s plan for, 222
Rights not dependent upon, 265:12
Sexual promiscuity deplored, 265:12
Sexual sin, 265:6
SEE ALSO Divorce, Homosexuality

Shenandoah District, 2403:19; 2440
Sierra Leone, West Africa, 18; 80

After regeneration, Article of Religion, 234
Article of Religion, 225
Atonement for, 226
Responsibility for, 224

Slavery, historical background, 6–11
Social concern, Christian, 410
Social responsibilities:

Respecting rights of all, 265:12
Securing natural rights for all, 220
Special directions concerning, 410

Social worker, 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380
Son of God, the, Article of Religion, 214
Song evangelist, 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380
South Africa, 18; 25; 33; 35; 80
South Africa Bantu, 80
South Carolina district, 2403:20; 2440
South Coastal district, 2403:21; 2440
South Dakota, SEE Northwest district
South Pacific. South Pacific Conference of The Wesleyan Methodist Church, 80
Southern, Representative Area, 2440
Southern Wesleyan University, 2365:5
South Korea, 80
Speaking in tongues, 265:10
Special directions, 400–475
Specialized minister, 3003–3012
Specialized ministries: Course of study for, 3210:2
Special lay ministries:, 3400–3490

Lay minister, 3400–3440
Lay missionary, 3490
Special worker, 3450–3480

Special nominations, committee on, 1580
Special offerings:, 2050:1, 3
Special service, ministerial appointment, 1240:1:A:7; 3345
Special worker:, 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380

Courses of study, 3210:5
Credentials, 6360–6400
Function, 3450
General regulations, 3480
In process of transfer, 1240:5:B
Listing, 1240:5:A-C

Specification of charges, 5024 Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc.
Spirit, Holy, 210; 216; 230; 236; 238
Spiritism 265:2
Spouse in ministry, 3450–3480
Standards of the General Board for Educational Institution, 2362:4
Statutory law:

Current authority for, 185
Definition, 155
Time when effected, 165


Definition of, 460
Membership commitment on, 265:3
Methods of fund raising, 470
Special directions concerning, 460–475
Storehouse tithing, 465
Wills, bequeaths, annuities, 475

Student, ministerial, 3015:1; 3350:2
Study Course Agency, Ministerial, 2385–2388
Study Course Certificate, Ministerial, 6410
Study courses, SEE Courses of study
Subsidiary corporations, 4300–4320
Substance abuse, 410:4; SEE ALSO Abstinence
Summary of Articles of Religion, 299
Sunderland, LaRoy, 7
Superannuated Ministers’ Aid Society, 4410:2

District superintendent, 1300–1310
General Superintendent, 1900–1945

Supply pastor:, 3260

Certificate of authorization form, 6240
General regulations, 3260
In another district, 3100:2
Listing, 1240:5:E

Support of ministers, 286; 723; 782:14
Suriname, 35; 80
Suspension of rules:

In district conference, 1141
In General Conference, 1553

Swaziland, 35; 80
Syracuse, NY, 16