Index W

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War, 410:2
Washington, SEE Northwest district
Washington, DC, SEE Chesapeake district
Wedding ritual, 5650–5680
Wesley, Charles, 2
Wesley, John:

Historical background, 1-3, 6
“Rules of a Helper,”, 3093

Wesleyan Bible Conference Association, Inc., 4310:9
Wesleyan Church Corporation, 4200–4270
Wesleyan Church of Liberia, 80
Wesleyan Church of Sierra Leone, 80
Wesleyan Church of the Philippines, 65; 80; 2560
Wesleyan Church, The:

Classification of church law, 125–185
Constitution, 200–385
Current authority, 185
Essentials of, 125; 1590:1–2; 2610:7;
Formation, 50
History, 1–50
Mission, 100–105
Name, 80; 205
Relationship to other churches, 240; 450

Wesleyan Educational Council, 2355
Wesleyan Educational Society, Inc., The, 4230
Wesleyan Financial Holdings, Inc., 4310:8
Wesleyan Holiness Church, British Isles, 80
Wesleyan Holiness Church, Caribbean, 80
Wesleyan Investment Foundation, Inc., 4310:5
Wesleyan Methodist, The:

Church of America, The, 7; 16–18; 50
Connection of America, The, 8–16; 23

Wesleyan Methodist Church, Australia, 80
Wesleyan Methodist Church, India, 80
Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, Inc., The, 4230
Wesleyan Methodist Publishing Association of America, Inc., The, 4230
Wesleyan Native Ministries, 4230
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The:, 4230; 4400–4425

Wesleyan Retirement Plan, 4410:3

Wesleyan Property Holdings, Inc., 4310:7
Wesleyan Publishing House, 1870
Wesleyan Retirement Plan, 4410:3
Wesleyan Seminary Foundation, 2382
West Virginia, SEE Greater Ohio and Shenandoah districts. Western Representative Area, 2445
Western New York district, 2403:23; 2435
Wills, special direction concerning, 475
Wisconsin SEE Great Lakes District
Witchcraft, abstain from, 265:2

Of local church, unlawful, 4780
Of member, SEE withdrawal of member
Of minister, 1310:29; 3100:3–5; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048; 6460
Of special worker, 1310:29; 3480; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048; 6460
Request for, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048

Withdrawal of member:, 305:1; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048

By letter of recommendation, 590; 6030
By letter of transfer, 575; 6000–6020
Letter of, 592; 6040
Through having joined another body, 595
Under accusation, 592; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048
Under charges, 592; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048

Woman’s Missionary Society of The Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, Inc., The, 4230
Word of God, SEE Holy Scriptures
World Organization:, 2500–2680

Established National/Regional Conference, 2610
General Conferences, 2620–2640
General Conference interrelations, 2630–2640
Caribbean General Conference, 2565
International Conference, 2650–2680
North American General Conference, 2550
Philippines General Conference, 2560

Worldliness, 265:4
Worldly pleasures, 265:4
Worship, public:

Ordained minister’s rights in, 313:1
Means of grace, 265:8–9
Rites and ceremonies, 420

Wyoming, SEE Northwest district