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5206. Jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction over the persons listed in 5200 ordinarily belongs to the district in which their ministerial membership, or for laypersons, their membership, is held. The exceptions are for those who serve as general officers or members of the General Board or who are otherwise employed by the General Board, and district superintendents. These are subject to the jurisdiction of the General Church (Disc. 323:1; 1180:12; GBP-5270).

(1) Jurisdiction shall be exercised on behalf of the district by the district board of administration for any and all charges brought against such persons.
(2) Accusations alleging an offense (5010) against one of the persons in 5200 shall be submitted to the district superintendent (Disc. 1310:31; GBP-5022). The accusation shall then be presented to the district board of administration. The district board of administration shall have authority to order the investigation (5012; 5024) and hearing if necessary. Any charge must be sustained by two or more members or ministers of The Wesleyan Church.
(3) If an accusation alleges an offense committed by a person under the jurisdiction of the district in a district other than that in which the accused holds membership, the district superintendent and the district board of administration of the district in which the offense was allegedly committed shall have jurisdiction over the official investigation (5012). If an accusation is to be drawn up, it shall be submitted through the General Superintendent to the district in which the accused holds membership.