E. Termination of Membership

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E. Termination of Membership

585. Membership in The Wesleyan Church may be terminated only by one or more of the following (305):

(1) Voluntary withdrawal (see also 553:3).
(2) Joining another religious body or joining a secret order.
(3) Expulsion after proper hearing and conviction (Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5023:5).
(4) Persistent neglect of church relationship as defined in 600-605.
(5) Death.

590. When any member requests a letter of recommendation to some other denomination, the pastor and local church secretary shall grant it on the proper form provided in 6030 if the member is neither under discipline nor under charges. Such a person’s membership in the local church granting the letter shall cease immediately, and the secretary shall enter opposite the member’s name: the date and "Withdrawn by letter of recommendation."

592. When any member requests a letter of withdrawal, the pastor and local church secretary shall grant it on the proper form provided in 6040. The secretary shall enter on the record book (610), opposite the member’s name, the date the letter was granted and "Withdrawn by letter of withdrawal." If the member’s request occurs during the course of a judicial investigation, the secretary shall note on the membership record, "Withdrawn under accusation," and if withdrawal occurs during the course of a hearing, "Withdrawn under charges."

593. The local church conference may choose to employ membership accountability through a reaffirmation process. This process should be managed by the local board of administration in a fair and responsible manner, taking care to preserve both the life and health of the church as well as the established rights of the member. If a member chooses not to participate in the reaffirmation process, that choice may be considered as a voluntary withdrawal from membership.

595. When any member joins another denomination, or other religious body exercising the functions of a church, no hearing is necessary to remove such a member. The pastor, having investigated and ascertained the facts, shall report the same to the next session of the local board of administration, and upon the board’s order the local church secretary shall enter opposite the member’s name the date of the session and "Withdrawn having joined another body."

598. When any member moves away from the church in which membership is held, and it is evident that distance will not permit full and regular participation in the life of the church, the pastor shall encourage the member to transfer membership to the Wesleyan church nearest the new residence. To that end, the pastor shall notify the Executive Director of Communication and Administration of The Wesleyan Church of the name and address of the member.

600. When any member moves away from the church in which membership is held, and does not leave a forwarding address, or fails to report spiritual standing, or to send financial support, or to transfer membership to the nearest Wesleyan church, after one year the member may be dropped from the roll provided that every reasonable effort has been made to contact the member and notify the member of such an intention. The member’s name shall be dropped upon the recommendation of the local board of administration and the majority vote of the local church conference, unless the local church conference shall have delegated full responsibility in such matters to the local board of administration. The secretary shall enter opposite the member’s name the date of the vote and "Discontinued by vote."

605. When any member fails to attend the services of the church where membership is held for one year without a reason deemed justifiable by the local board of administration, or to support the church financially, as able, the pastor and local board of administration shall seek to restore the member to active fellowship, but if unable to do so, the member’s name may be dropped upon recommendation of the local board of administration and the majority vote of the local church conference, unless the local church conference shall have delegated full responsibility in such matters to the local board of administration. The secretary shall enter opposite the member’s name the date of the vote and "Discontinued by vote for persistent neglect." If a member chooses not to participate in the reaffirmation process, that choice may be considered as a voluntary withdrawal from membership.